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Lord Jagannath's Rath Yatra

Daily Worship Time-table:-
05 A.M. : Dwara Pitha & Mangalal Alati
06 A.M. : Mailam
09 A.M. : Gopala Ballava Puja
11 A.M. : Madhynha Dhupa

Lord Jagannath's Rath Yatra Puri

Rath Yatra or chariot festival is celebrated by Hindus on the second day of Sukla Paksha (waxing cycle of moon) in the month of Ashadh.The festival is held every year in the month of June-July .This festival is popularly known as Ratha Yatra, Gundicha Yatra and also Ghosha Yatra. On the Car Festival day, the deities are taken out of the temple and placed in their respective chariots, kept near the Singhadwar. The deities are carried to the chariots in a traditional ceremonial manner-first Sudarshana, followed by Balabhadra, Subhadra and Jagannath. Balabhadra and Jagannath are made to swing forward and backward in a manner called 'Pahandi'.
The chariot of Lord Jagannath is known as Nandighosha. It has 16 (sixteen). wheels and the colour of the fabrics that cover the roof of the chariot are red and yellow. The chariot of Lord Balabhadra is known as Taladhwaja. It has 14 (fourteen) wheels and the colours of the fabrics are red and green. Subhadra's chariot 'Devadalana' has 12 (twelve) wheels and fabrics are red and black. Sudarshan is seated by the side of Subhadra in her chariot. Madanmohan, a representative deity of Jagannath sits in the chariot of Lord Jagannath. So also two other small idols -Rama and Krishna take their seats in the chariot of Balabhadra. These small idols are made of metal. Thus actually seven deities namely Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra, Sudarshana, Madanmohan, Rama and Krishna are seated on three chariots and moved to a temple known as 'Gundicha Ghar' which is at a distance of about 3 kms from Jagannath Temple. The chariot of Balabhadra is dragged first, followed by those of Subhadra and Jagannath.
'Snana Pumima’ marks the beginning of this festival. On this day the three deities - Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra take prolonged bath on an open platform known as ‘Snana Bedi’, Then they retire for 15 days popularly called the period of ‘Anabasara’ and remain in isolation, because the idols are supposed to be down with 'fever'.
After 15 days of isolation, the Gods come out of the temple in a colourful procession, with the accompanying of cymbals, drums and music, to board their respective chariots and thereafter begins the journey known as “Rath Yatra’.
The king of Puri himself comes to the chariots, and with a broom, having a silver handle, performs the "Chhera Panhara" (the sweeping of chariots), only after which the journey begins.
On the first day if any chariot cannot reach the Gundicha Ghar, it is dragged on the next day. On the ninth day i.e. the Return Car Festival day, the deities are brought to the Singhadwar area of the Jagannath Temple. An important ritual performed, on the 5th day (starting from and including the day of Car Festival) is known as 'Hera Panchami', when goddess Laxmi proceeds to Gundicha Ghar to see Lord Jagannath. Nine days later, the idols return to the main Jagannath temple in a similar procession known as "Bahuda Yatra" (return journey) or the return car festival. In the evening of the lOth day (i.e. the 11th day of the bright fortnight of Asadha) the deities are adorned with gold ornaments and dressed gorgeously in their respective chatiots parked in the Simhadwar area. On the same day another ritual called 'Hari Sayan Ekadasi' is performed. On the following day i.e. the 12th day of the bright fortnight, important ceremony known as' Adharapana Bhog' is performed. A sweet drink is offered to the deities. On the evening of the following day, the deities are taken to the temple in a traditional procession amidst gathering of thousands of devotees.

Beliefs behind Rath-Yatra

lt is believed that those who take part in the Car Festival earn their passage to the Heaven as Lord Jagannath, Lord of the Universe, comes out of His sanctum sanctorum to give 'darshan' (audience) to all devotees belonging to all sects and communities.
Temples in Puri urya Yantra temple,
 Ksetrapala temple,
 Nrsimha temple,
 Jalakrida Mandapa, (Note- All ceremonial
baths of the deities are held here.),
 Jogesvara temple,
aksigopala temple,
 Kanci Ganesa temple,
 Khira Choragopinatha temple,
 Panchasakti temple,
 Nila Madhava temple,
 Laksminarayana temple,
 Navagraha temple,
 Sarya Candra temple,
 Goplnatha and Ramcandra temple,
 Patalesvara temple,
 Padapadma temple,
 Ramacandra temple,
 Caitanya temple,
 Hanuman temple,
 Caturdhama temple,(Note - This Caturdhama temple houses the four deities worshipped in the four dhamas of India and the images are in a miniature form.)Apart from these temples, there are some more important places in the temple complex, two of which deserve special mention.
(a) Koili Vaikuntha is located in between the outer and the inner compound wall of the north -western corner. It is traditionally believed to be the place where Krisna was cremated after he was killed by Jara Savara. There fore when the Nava Kalevara ceremony takes place, new images are fashioned and the old ones are buried here only.
(b) The Niladri Vihar is a small museum where we can see, with the help of colorfully painted models, the legendary emergence of Jagannatha as the presiding deity of the temple.

Amavasya and Its Significance

Amavasya and Its Significance

According to Hindusm New Moon day is said to be as 'Amavasya'.It will come once in a month,according to hindusm their are many spritual bliefs and significance of Amavasya.Many festivals, the most famous being Diwali (the festival of lights), are observed on Amavasya.Many Hindus fast on Amavasya.This day is also devoted to their forefather's ,on this day peoples belongs to hindusm offer pray and food to them,and pray God for their soul calmness.Pitra and donations are done for the sake of happiness of the departed souls of the family.

Somavati Amavasya

An Amavasya falling on a Monday has a special significance in Hindu Religion. It is believed that a fast on this particular Amavasys would ward off widow-hood in women and to ensure Progeny. It is also believed that all desires could be fulfilled if one fasts on such an Amavasya.

Festivals on Amvasya

Their are many festivals according to puranas in hindusm fallen on this auspicious day of Amvasya.The most important festival Deepawali is also celebrated on day of Kartik Amvasya.As deepawali is the biggest festival of hindus and festival of lighting.Somvati Amvasya and sani jayanti is also fallen on the day of Amvasya.According to puranas their is great beliefs behind this festivals.
Month Amavasya Date Festivals
Paush 1 January (Wednesday) Paush Amavasya
Magha 30 January (Thursday) Mauni Amavasya
Phalguna 1 March (Saturday) Shani Amavasya
Chaitra 30 March (Sunday) Chaitra Amavasya
Vaishakha 29 April (Tuesday) Vaishakha Amavasya
Jyeshtha 28 May (Wednesday) Shani Jayanti
Ashadha 27 June (Friday) Ashadha Amavasya
Shravana 26 July (Saturday) Shani Amavasya / Hariyali Amavasya
Bhadrapada 25 August (Monday) Somvati Amavasya
Ashwin 23 September (Tuesday) Mahalaya Amavasya / Sarvapitri Amavasya
Kartik 23 October (Thursday) Lakshmi Puja
Margashirsha 22 November (Saturday) Shani Amavasya
Paush 21 December (Sunday) Paush Amavasya

Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima

The word Guru is derived from two words, 'Gu' and 'Ru'. The Sanskrit root "Gu" means darkness or ignorance. "Ru" denotes the remover of that darkness. Therefore one who removes darkness of our ignorance is a Guru. Gurus are believed by many to be the most necessary part of lives. On this day, disciples offer puja (worship) or pay respect to their Guru (Spiritual Guide). It falls on the day of full moon, Purnima, in the month of Ashadh (June–July) of the Shaka Samvat, Indian national calendar and Hindu calendar.According to Hindu Religion Guru is equated as a supreme power.The Guru is the only mediator between the individual and the Immortal(God).Guru purnima(Full moon day)is devoted to Guru.

The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. All Hindus are indebted to this ancient saint who edited the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavata. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Guru of Gurus.

Significance of Guru Purnima

On this auspicious day all devotees worship their spiritual as well as academic guru.On this day Guru pooja is performed.It is said in puranas of hindus that the Guru Principle is a thousand times more active on the day of Gurupournima than on any other day.

Purnima (Full Moon Day)

Purnima day Months Date
Paush Purnima Paush month 16 January
Magha Purnima Magha Month 14 February
Phalguna Purnima Phalguna month 16 march
Chaitra Purnima Chaitra month 15 April
Vaishakha Purnima Vaishakha Month 14 may
Jyaishta Purnima Jyaishta Month 13 june
Ashadha/Guru Purnima Ashadha Month 12 July
Shravana Purnima Shravana Month 10 August
Bhadrapada Purnima Bhadrapada Month 9th September
Ashwin Purnima Ashwin month 8th october
Kartik Purnima Kartik Month 06 November
Margashirsha Purnima Margashirsha Month 06 December

Nirjala/Bheem Ekadashi

निर्जला एकादशी

युधिष्ठिर ने कहा: जनार्दन ! ज्येष्ठ मास के शुक्लपक्ष में जो एकादशी पड़ती हो, कृपया उसका वर्णन कीजिये ।
भगवान श्रीकृष्ण बोले: राजन् ! इसका वर्णन परम धर्मात्मा सत्यवतीनन्दन व्यासजी करेंगे, क्योंकि ये सम्पूर्ण शास्त्रों के तत्त्वज्ञ और वेद वेदांगों के पारंगत विद्वान हैं ।।
तब वेदव्यासजी कहने लगे: दोनों ही पक्षों की एकादशियों के दिन भोजन न करे । द्वादशी के दिन स्नान आदि से पवित्र हो फूलों से भगवान केशव की पूजा करे । फिर नित्य कर्म ।समाप्त होने के पश्चात् पहलेब्राह्मणों को भोजन देकर अन्त में स्वयं भोजन करे । राजन् ! जननाशौच और मरणाशौच में भी एकादशी को भोजन नहीं करना चाहिए ।।
यह सुनकर भीमसेन बोले: परम बुद्धिमान पितामह ! मेरी उत्तम बात सुनिये । राजा युधिष्ठिर, माता कुन्ती, द्रौपदी, अर्जुन, नकुल और सहदेव ये एकादशी को कभी भोजन नहीं करते तथा मुझसे भी हमेशा यहीकहते हैं कि : ‘भीमसेन ! तुम भी एकादशी को न खाया करो…’ किन्तु मैं उन लोगों से यही कहता हूँ कि मुझसे भूख नहीं सही जायेगी ।।
भीमसेन की बात सुनकर व्यासजी ने कहा : यदि तुम्हें स्वर्गलोक की प्राप्ति अभीष्ट है और नरक को दूषित समझते हो तो दोनों पक्षों की एकादशीयों के दिन भोजन न करना ।।
भीमसेन बोले : महाबुद्धिमान पितामह ! मैं आपके सामने सच्ची बात कहता हूँ । एक बार भोजन करके भी मुझसे व्रत नहीं किया जा सकता, फिर उपवास करके तो मैं रह ही कैसे सकता हूँ? मेरे उदर में वृकनामक अग्नि सदा प्रज्वलित रहती है, अत: जब मैं बहुत अधिक खाता हूँ, तभी यह शांत होती है । इसलिए महामुने ! मैं वर्षभर में केवल एक ही उपवास कर सकता हूँ । जिससे स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति सुलभ हो तथाजिसके करने से मैं कल्याण का भागी हो सकूँ, ऐसा कोई एक व्रत निश्चय करके बताइये । मैं उसका यथोचित रुप से पालन करुँगा ।।
व्यासजी ने कहा: भीम ! ज्येष्ठ मास में सूर्य वृष राशि पर हो या मिथुन राशि पर, शुक्लपक्ष में जो एकादशी हो, उसका यत्नपूर्वक निर्जल व्रत करो । केवल कुल्ला या आचमन करने के लिए मुख में जल डालसकते हो, उसको छोड़कर किसी प्रकार का जल विद्वान पुरुष मुख में न डाले, अन्यथा व्रत भंग हो जाता है । एकादशी को सूर्योदय से लेकर दूसरे दिन के सूर्योदय तक मनुष्य जल का त्याग करे तो यह व्रत पूर्णहोता है । तदनन्तर द्वादशी को प्रभातकाल में स्नान करके ब्राह्मणों को विधिपूर्वक जल और सुवर्ण का दान करे । इस प्रकार सब कार्य पूरा करके जितेन्द्रिय पुरुष ब्राह्मणों के साथ भोजन करे । वर्षभर में जितनीएकादशीयाँ होती हैं, उन सबका फल निर्जला एकादशी के सेवन से मनुष्य प्राप्त कर लेता है, इसमें तनिक भी सन्देह नहीं है । शंख, चक्र और गदा धारण करनेवाले भगवान केशव ने मुझसे कहा था कि: ‘यदि मानवसबको छोड़कर एकमात्र मेरी शरण में आ जाय और एकादशी को निराहार रहे तो वह सब पापों से छूट जाता है ।’।
एकादशी व्रत करनेवाले पुरुष के पास विशालकाय, विकराल आकृति और काले रंगवाले दण्ड पाशधारी भयंकर यमदूत नहीं जाते । अंतकाल में पीताम्बरधारी, सौम्य स्वभाववाले, हाथ में सुदर्शन धारण करनेवालेऔर मन के समान वेगशाली विष्णुदूत आखिर इस वैष्णव पुरुष को भगवान विष्णु के धाम में ले जाते हैं । अत: निर्जला एकादशी को पूर्ण यत्न करके उपवास और श्रीहरि का पूजन करो । स्त्री हो या पुरुष, यदिउसने मेरु पर्वत के बराबर भी महान पाप किया हो तो वह सब इस एकादशी व्रत के प्रभाव से भस्म हो जाता है । जो मनुष्य उस दिन जल के नियम का पालन करता है, वह पुण्य का भागी होता है । उसे एक-एकप्रहर में कोटि-कोटि स्वर्णमुद्रा दान करने का फल प्राप्त होता सुना गया है । मनुष्य निर्जला एकादशी के दिन स्नान, दान, जप, होम आदि जो कुछ भी करता है, वह सब अक्षय होता है, यह भगवान श्रीकृष्ण काकथन है । निर्जला एकादशी को विधिपूर्वक उत्तम रीति से उपवास करके मानव वैष्णवपद को प्राप्त कर लेता है । जो मनुष्य एकादशी के दिन अन्न खाता है, वह पाप का भोजन करता है । इस लोक में वह चाण्डालके समान है और मरने पर दुर्गति को प्राप्त होता है ।।
जो ज्येष्ठ के शुक्लपक्ष में एकादशी को उपवास करके दान करेंगे, वे परम पद को प्राप्त होंगे । जिन्होंने एकादशी को उपवास किया है, वे ब्रह्महत्यारे, शराबी, चोर तथा गुरुद्रोही होने पर भी सब पातकों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं ।।
कुन्तीनन्दन ! ‘निर्जला एकादशी’ के दिन श्रद्धालु स्त्री पुरुषों के लिए जो विशेष दान और कर्त्तव्य विहित हैं, उन्हें सुनो: उस दिन जल में शयन करनेवाले भगवान विष्णु का पूजन और जलमयी धेनु का दान करनाचाहिए अथवा प्रत्यक्ष धेनु या घृतमयी धेनु का दान उचित है । पर्याप्त दक्षिणा और भाँति-भाँति के मिष्ठान्नों द्वारा यत्नपूर्वक ब्राह्मणों को सन्तुष्ट करना चाहिए । ऐसा करने से ब्राह्मण अवश्य संतुष्ट होते हैं और उनकेसंतुष्ट होने पर श्रीहरि मोक्ष प्रदान करते हैं । जिन्होंने शम, दम, और दान में प्रवृत हो श्रीहरि की पूजा और रात्रि में जागरण करते हुए इस ‘निर्जला एकादशी’ का व्रत किया है, उन्होंने अपने साथ ही बीती हुई सौपीढ़ियों को और आनेवाली सौ पीढ़ियों को भगवान वासुदेव के परम धाम में पहुँचा दिया है । निर्जला एकादशी के दिन अन्न, वस्त्र, गौ, जल, शैय्या, सुन्दर आसन, कमण्डलु तथा छाता दान करने चाहिए । जो श्रेष्ठतथा सुपात्र ब्राह्मण को जूता दान करता है, वह सोने के विमान पर बैठकर स्वर्गलोक में प्रतिष्ठित होता है । जो इस एकादशी की महिमा को भक्तिपूर्वक सुनता अथवा उसका वर्णन करता है, वह स्वर्गलोक में जाताहै । चतुर्दशीयुक्त अमावस्या को सूर्यग्रहण के समय श्राद्ध करके मनुष्य जिस फल को प्राप्त करता है, वही फल इसके श्रवण से भी प्राप्त होता है । पहले दन्तधावन करके यह नियम लेना चाहिए कि : ‘मैं भगवानकेशव की प्रसन्न्ता के लिए एकादशी को निराहार रहकर आचमन के सिवा दूसरे जल का भी त्याग करुँगा ।’ द्वादशी को देवेश्वर भगवान विष्णु का पूजन करना चाहिए । गन्ध, धूप, पुष्प और सुन्दर वस्त्र सेविधिपूर्वक पूजन करके जल के घड़े के दान का संकल्प करते हुए निम्नांकित मंत्र का उच्चारण करे :।
देवदेव ह्रषीकेश संसारार्णवतारक ।।
उदकुम्भप्रदानेन नय मां परमां गतिम्॥।
‘संसारसागर से तारनेवाले हे देवदेव ह्रषीकेश ! इस जल के घड़े का दान करने से आप मुझे परम गति की प्राप्ति कराइये ।’।
भीमसेन ! ज्येष्ठ मास में शुक्लपक्ष की जो शुभ एकादशी होती है, उसका निर्जल व्रत करना चाहिए । उस दिन श्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मणों को शक्कर के साथ जल के घड़े दान करने चाहिए । ऐसा करने से मनुष्य भगवान विष्णुके समीप पहुँचकर आनन्द का अनुभव करता है । तत्पश्चात् द्वादशी को ब्राह्मण भोजन कराने के बाद स्वयं भोजन करे । जो इस प्रकार पूर्ण रुप से पापनाशिनी एकादशी का व्रत करता है, वह सब पापों से मुक्त होआनंदमय पद को प्राप्त होता है ।।
यह सुनकर भीमसेन ने भी इस शुभ एकादशी का व्रत आरम्भ कर दिया । तबसे यह लोक मे ‘पाण्डव द्वादशी’ के नाम से विख्यात हुई ।।

Nirjala Ekadashi

Yudhishthira said, “O Lord! Please describe the Ekadashi that falls in the bright fortnight of the month of Jyeshtha.” Lord Krishna said, “O King! Righteousness personified Vyasji, the son of Satyawati, will enlighten you about this Ekadashi, for he is well versed in the philosophical essence of all the scriptures and is a master of the Vedas and Vedangas.”।
Then Vedavyasji said, “One should not take food on both Ekadashi days of a month. On Dvadashi, one should sanctify oneself by taking a bath and then worship Lord Vishnu with flowers. Then one should complete one’s daily routine and take food, but only after offering food to Brahmins first. O King! Even during the impurity period caused by a birth or death in the family, one should desist from taking meals on the day of Ekadashi.”।
Upon hearing these words Bhimasena said, “Please listen to me O Supremely wise Grandsire! King Yudhishthira, revered mother Kunti, Draupadi, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva never take meals on the day of Ekadashi. They also exhort me to abstain from taking food but I tell them that I cannot control my hunger.”।
On hearing the words of Bhimasena Vyasji said, “If you desire to attain heaven, and consider hell to be corrupted then you should not eat on the Ekadashi of either fortnight.”।
Bhimasena said, “Grandsire! I am telling you the truth. The fact is that I am unable to observe even a partial fast by taking only a single meal in a day. Pray how can I observe a complete fast? There is a fire in my stomach called ‘Vrika’, which cannot be pacified unless I eat to my heart’s content. Therefore, O Great among sages! I can observe only one fast in a year. Tell me about one such vrata that will entitle me to heaven and ensure my well-being. I promise to observe that fast meticulously. Vyasji said, “Bhima! In the month of Jyeshtha, when the Sun is in the Taurus or Gemini constellation observe the vrata of the Ekadashi falling in the bright fortnight without even drinking water. You can take water into the mouth only for rinsing or doing achamana. Any other intake of water should not be resorted to for that breaks the fast. From sunrise on Ekadashi to sunrise of the next day if one does not take water, only then the observance of the vrata is considered to be complete. On the Dvadashi day, after taking a bath, one should donate water and gold to Brahmins in the prescribed manner. Thus having completed all concerning rituals, the self-restrained man should take food with the Brahmins. Undoubtedly indeed, the merits one attains by observing the vrata of Nirjala Ekadashi is equivalent to the merits attained by observing fasts on all Ekadashis of the year. Lord Keshava, who holds the conch, disk and club, had told me, “If a man takes refuge in me renouncing all else, and also observes a fast on Ekadashis, he is delivered from all sins.”।
One who observes the vrata of Ekadashi does not have to face the dark-complexioned, gigantic and fierce messengers of Lord Yama, who hold staffs and nooses. Instead, this devout Vaishanva is finally escorted to the abode of Lord Vishnu by His yellow-clad, Sudarshana chakra-wielding gentle messengers who move with the speed of mind. Therefore, by all means, observe a complete fast and worship Lord Vishnu on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi. Men of women, even if they have incurred mountainous sins, are absolved from their evil deeds by observing the vrata of Nirjala Ekadashi. One who observes the vow of not taking water on that day, is entitled to great merits. It is said that such a person attains merits equivalent to donating tens of millions of gold coins for every three-hour period of the day. Whatever virtuous deeds such as holy bath, charity, jap, homa, etc. one performs on this day bestows imperishable merits upon him. This has been declared by Lord Krishna Himself. One who meticulously observes a fast on Nirjala Ekadashi in the prescribed manner attains the position of Lord Vishnu’s devotee. He who takes food on an Ekadashi day, in effect, eats sin. He is like a chandal in this world and is relegated to a lower world after death.।
Those who observe a fast and engage in charities on the Ekadashi falling in the bright fortnight of Jyeshtha, attain the Supreme state of salvation. Even those sinners, such as the killer of a Brahmin, a drunkard, a thief or one who opposes the Guru, will be delivered from all sins if they observe a fast on this Ekadashi day.।
O Son of Kunti! Now I will tell you about the special virtuous deeds and charities ordained for the faithful devotees on Nirjala Ekadashi. On this day, one should worship Lord Vishnu, Who lies in the water; and donate a cow. Brahmins should be thoroughly propitiated with money and varieties of sweetmeats. This surely pleases the Brahmins and once the Brahmins are pleased, Lord Vishnu blesses one with salvation. Those who observe the vrata of Nirjala Ekadashi by keeping their desires under control, observing self-restraint, engaging in charity and remaining awake at night, reserve a place in Lord Vishnu’s abode not only for themselves, but also for their past hundred generations along with a hundred generations of the future. On Nirjala Ekadashi, one should donate grains, clothes, cows, water, beds beautiful asanas, kamandalu and umbrellas. One who donates shoes to an excellent Brahmin – a worthy recipient, goes to heaven in a golden aircraft. One who listens to the glory of this Ekadashi with devotion, or relates it to others, will go to heaven. The fruits that one attains by offering shraaddha to the manes at the time of a solar eclipse on a New Moon day, which coincides with the fourteenth lunar day, are obtained by listening to this narration as well. Firstly, one should clean one’s mouth and then take this vow, ‘To please Lord Vishnu, I shall observe a complete fast and renounce even water except for achamana on this Ekadashi day.’ Lord Vishnu should be worshipped on the Dvadashi day with incense, dhoops, flowers and beautiful clothes in the prescribed manner. Thereafter with a resolve to donate a pitcher full of water, one should chant the following mantra,।
देवदेव हृषीकेश संसारार्णवतारक ।।
उदकुम्भप्रदानेन नय मां परमां गतिम् ।।।
‘O God of gods! O Lord Vishnu! You deliver men from the bondage of this word. Pray kindly lead me to salvation upon donating this water-filled pitcher.’।

Ekadashi Dates its Importance

According to our Puranas Ekadashi is an very auspicious day dedicated to lord vishnu on the eleventh day of every lunar fortnight in traditional Hindu calendar.It is said that Fasting on Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious and is believed to help in redemption of sins and in attaining Moksha.

In Hinduism and Jainism it is considered a spiritually beneficial day. Scriptures recommend observing an (ideally waterless) fast from sunrise on the day of Ekadashi to sunrise on the day following Ekadashi. Hindu scriptures teach that it is especially important to avoid all beans and all grains on this day because on the day of Ekadashi these two foods are contaminated by sin, one should eat only fruits and vegetables and milk products on this day . The Ekadashi day is recognized as the best of all days to fast because it is on this day of the moon phase in which the rays of the moon actually nourish the subtle nerves and feelings of the heart.

Two Ekadashis occur in one month according to positions of the moon. The progression of the moon from full moon to new moon is divided into fifteen equal arcs. Each arc measures one lunar day, called "tithi": The time it takes the moon to traverse that distance is the length of that lunar day. Ekadashi refers to the 11 tithi, or lunar day. The eleventh tithi therefore corresponds to a precise phase of the waxing and waning moon: In the bright half of the lunar month, the moon will appear roughly 3/4 full on Ekadashi, and in the dark half of the lunar month, the moon will be about 3/4 dark on Ekadashi.

Significance Of Ekadashi

Ekadasi Tithi, the eleventh lunar day (Shukla Ekadasi) and also known as Hari Vasara because it is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is a day of fasting and prayers for all Hindus. One who fasts on this day is considered to become free from the malefic planetary influences, becomes happy, gains peace of mind to think of Ishvara to attain moksha. It is a day of Vishtikarana, a day of malefic influences. Vishtikarana, which coincides with the second half of Ekadasi Tithi, is avoided in all functions associated with worldly prosperity but for such celebrations the Ekadasi Tithi should not have Dasami Vedha; fasting is to be done when Vishtikarana is in duration and breaking of fast should not be done during this duration. Vishtikarana coincides with the second half of Krishna Dasami. Karana is half of a tithi. Tithi is the time taken by the Moon to travel approximately twelve degrees of space with reference to the Sun but as the motion of the Moon is irregular the duration of tithi is not constant. There are seven moveable karanas and four fixed karanas. Vishti or Bhadra is one of the moveable karanas which rotate among the other tithis beginning with the second half of Shukla Padyami. Vashishta states that Vishtikarana is appropriate for killing, binding, use of poisons, fire, arrows or instruments, cutting and use of black magic; auspicious functions pertaining to prosperity should be avoided for they will end in destruction, thus it is good for waging wars successfully. Jataka Parijata states:-
निखिलजनविरोधी पापकर्मस्पवादी |
परिजन परिपूज्यो विष्टिजातः स्वतन्त्रः ||
that one born on Vishti, will be an enemy of all, will commit evil deeds, of bad fame, independent and honoured by followers, which evil effects according to Kamalasana (cited by Lalla and supported by Brahma Siddhanta), will not be witnessed in case Vishtikaranas coinciding with the second half of a tithi are benefic in daytime and those coinciding with the second half are good at night.

Ekadashi Vedic Months Date
Putrada/Vaikunth Ekadashi Paush Shukla Paksh 11th January
Shat Tila Ekadashi Magha Krishna Paksh 27th January
Jaya Ekadashi Magha Shukla Paksh 10th February
Vijaya Ekadashi Phalgun Krishna Paksh 26th February
Amalaki Ekadashi Phalgun Shukla Paksh 12th March
Papamochani Ekadashi Chaitra Krishna Paksh 27th March
Kamada Ekadashi Chaitra Shukla Paksh 11th April
Varuthini Ekadashi Vaisakh Krishna Paksh 25th April
Mohini/LakshmiNarayan Ekadashi Vaisakh Shukla Paksh 10th May
Apara/Jalkrida Ekadashi Jyeshtha Krishna Paksh 24th May
Nirjala/Bheem Ekadashi Jyeshtha Shukla Paksh 9th June
Yogini Ekadashi Ashaad Krishna Paksh 23rd June
Devshayani Ekadashi Ashaad Shukla Paksh 9th July
Kamika Ekadashi Shravan Krishna Paksh 22nd July
Putrada /Pavitra Ekadashi Shravan Shukla Paksh 7th August
Aja Ekadashi Bhadrapad Krishna Paksh 21st August
Padma / Parivartini Ekadashi Bhadrapad Shukla Paksh 5th September
Indira Ekadashi Ashwin Krishna Paksh 19th September
Paashankusha/ Paapaankusha Ekadashi Ashwin Shukla Paksh 5th October
Rama Ekadashi Kartik Krishna Paksh 19th October
Devuthi/ Prabodhini Ekadashi Kartik Shukla Paksh 3rd November
Utpatti Ekadashi Margasirsha KrishnaPaksh 18th November
Mokshada/ Vaikunth/ Mouni Ekadashi Margasirsha Shukla Paksh 2nd December
Safala Ekadashi Paush Krishna Paksh 18th December
Kamala Ekadashi Purushottam Shukla Paksh

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