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Buddhism,Buddha Religion,About Buddhism,Principles of Buddhism,Followers of Buddhism,Gautama Buddha,Siddhartha


Like all great teachers of ancient times ,Gautama ,the Buddha ,also taught orally ,usually in the form of sermons or dialogues.The pali cannon (also called Tripitaka) was composed long after his death and is regarded the authentic teachings of the Buddha as reported by his most ardent disciples.Buddha was more concerned about the alleviation of suffering and less about abstruse philosophical matters.His analysis of the problem of suffering and his solution is described herewith and is popularly called the Four Noble Truths.

His four Noble Truths(Chatvari Arya Satyani)

  • 1.The world is full of sorrows(Dukhha).
  • 2.The cause of sorrow is desire (trishna).
  • 3.If desires are conquered,all sorrows can be removed.
  • 4.The only way this can be done is by following the eight-fold path.

Eight-fold Path(Asthangamarga)

  • 1.Right Vision
  • 2.Right Aim
  • 3.Right Speech
  • 4.Right Action
  • 5.Right Effort
  • 6.Right Awareness
  • 7.Right Livelihood
  • 8.Right Medition

According to Buddha ,the one who follows the path,considered the middle path(Madhayama Pratipad) ,would attain salvation irrespective of his social background.The Virtous path suggested by Buddha is a code of practical ethics that has a rational outlook.Buddhism,therefore ,was more of a social than religious revolution.

What is Nirvana?

Nirvana literally means 'blowing out' or extinction of desire (trisha) and the consequent cessation of suffering.It is deliverance from the cycle of birth and death,i.e,freedom from rebirth.

Madhyamika School

Though there are popular schools like Mahayana,Hinayana,Sautarnitika and the Vaibhasika,from the philosophical point of view,the Madhyamika school propounded by Nagarjuna,deserves special mention. Philosophies,as per his analysis ,develop because of man's unquenchable thirst for understanding the unknown.Each philosophy has its own interpretation of reality,and develops theories and concepts to describe their understanding.The philosophers become so attached to their dogmatic views that they cease to understand that philosophies are only interpretations, and not reality itself.Nagarjuna insisted that it is not possible to understand the relativity of all such view points.So,in true sprit Nagarjuna propound any doctorines,theories or views of his own.He even went to the extent of exhorting men to be free from Buddha and his teachings and to not cling to them.Nagarjuna says that all of us are in the state of Nirvana ,and there is no difference between our ordinary existence and Nirvana ,except from the view point of the person.When someone has freed himself of illusions,ignorence,dogmatism, and attachments,the ordinary existence become nirvana.He does not deny the existence of nirvana,but warns men against being attached to the concept of nirvana.It is believed that the clearest expression of Buddha's teachings has come through Nagarjuna.This school is considered to be the source of insipiration for Zen Buddhism.

All schools of Buddhism attach very high importance to meditation.Meditation is the corner stone of buddhist practice and different techniques have evolved over time.It is only through meditation,and inner exploration that one is able to attain Nirvana.

JAINISM,Jain Religion,About Jain Religion,History of Jain Religion,Principles of Jain Religion,Followers of Jain Religion


Vardhaman,who later came to be known as Mahavira(great hero or jina,which means conqueror),was the last and 24th Tirthankara.He is generally accepted to be the founder of Jainisim.His philosophy may have become popular as a reaction to the moral bankruptcy that existed through Hindu and Brahmanism.

In Jain philosophy ,realty is divided into two substances:
1.Animate substances(Jivas and souls).
2.Inanimate substances(Ajivas and non-souls).
It is dualistic ,but also recognises that the essential character of the substances is permanence,and the changes which we see are the accidental characterstics.Soul is both changing as well as permanent,with its permanent unchanging essential characterstic as conciousness and accidental changing qualities as pain and pleasure.This view rejects the permanence of Bharaman as well as pure change of Buddhism.God as a judge,creator or sustainer is rejected and the law of karma is fully autonomous and impersonal in its operation.The law of karma says that all phenomena are the result of some causes that happend in the past.This law can be roughly defined as the law of casulty.Whatever a person goes through his life is due to his actions in the past lives and he will reap the fruits of his actions in the next life depending on his actions in his life.But Jainism,s rejection of God does not entail the rejection of the prayers.Jains do pray to the Tirthankaras in order to receive guidence and inspiration ,and not for mercy forgiveness or confession of guilt ,as in the case of many theistic religions.

The five cardinal principles of Jainism are:-

  • 1.Ahimsa(Non-violence)
  • 2.Satya(speaking the truth)
  • 3.Asteya(no stealing)
  • 4.Aparigraha(no property)
  • 5.Brahmacharya(continence)

Only the last principle was added by Mahavira,the other being the teachings of his predecessors. The five principles when observed by a monk strictly are called Mahavarats ,and when observed by a lay follower in a less rigorous manner are called Anuvarats.
The three gems of Jainisms are called Ratnatraya:-
1.Right Action
2.Right Liberation

Krishna Janmashtami ,Puja Muhurat of Krishna Janmashtami,Vaishnava Krishna Janmashtami,Krishna Janmashtami celebration in Iskon Temple ,Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti ,Sree Jayanthi.

Krishna Janmashtami 2014

5241th Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna
Nishita Puja Time = 24:03+ to 24:47+
Duration = 0 Hours 44 Mins
Mid Night Moment = 24:25+
On 18th, Parana Time = After 06:06
On Parana Day Ashtami Tithi End Time = 06:06
Janmashtami without Rohini Nakshatra
*Vaishnava Krishna Janmashtami falls on 18/Aug/2014
For Vaishnava Janmashtami Next Day Parana Time = 05:56 (After Sunrise)
On Parana Day Ashtami got over before Sunrise
Janmashtami without Rohini Nakshatra
Ashtami Tithi Begins = 05:55 on 17/Aug/2014
Ashtami Tithi Ends = 06:06 on 18/Aug/2014

Celebration of Krishna Janmashtami

Shri Krishna Janmashtami is the birth date of shri krishna ,this auspicious day is celebrating on Asthmi thithi according to Hindu calender.On this occasion the temples are decorated with beautiful flowers and lightening at the midnight.Peoples gathers in the temples with their families and chants the name of god till mid night when the birthday celebration of shri krishna begins.Krishna Janmashtami is an Hindu festival which is celebrated every year not only in India but also in the every corner of the world.

The Krishna Janmashtami of mathura,vrindavan and dwarka where the shri krishna avatar of lord Vishnu took birth .Peoples gather there and witnessed of that auspicious moment of shri krishna birth.

Fasting Rules of Krishna Janmashtami

No grains should be consumed during Janmashtami fasting until the fast is broken on next day after Sunrise. All rules followed during Ekadashi fasting should be followed during Janmashtami fasting also.
Parana which means breaking the fast should be done at an appropriate time. For Krishna Janmashtami fasting, Parana is done on next day after Sunrise when Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra are over. If Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra don't get over before Sunset then fast can be broken during day time when either Ashtami Tithi or Rohini Nakshatra is over. When neither Ashtami Tithi nor Rohini Nakshatra is over before Sunset or even Hindu Midnight (also known as Nishita Time) one should wait to get them over before breaking the fast.
Depending on end timing of Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra fasting on Krishna Janmashtami might continue for two complete days. Devotees who are not able to follow two days fasting might break the fast on next day after Sunrise. It has been suggested by Hindu religious text Dharmasindhu.

Smarta followers who understand the difference between Smarta and Vaishnava sectarian don't follow ISKCON date to observe Janmashtami fasting. Unfortunately ISKCON date to observe Janmashtami is unanimously followed in Braj region and most common people who just follow the buzz observe it on the date followed by the ISKCON.
People who are not the followers of Vaishnavism are followers of Smartism. Hindu religious texts like Dharmasindhu and Nirnaysindhu have well defined rules to decide Janmashtami day and those rules should be followed to decide Janmashtami day if one is not the follower of Vaishnava Sampradaya. Ekadashi fasting is one of the good examples to understand this difference. Rules to observe Ekadashis' fasting are also different for Smarta and Vaishnava communities. However there is more awareness about different Ekadashi rules followed by Vaishnava sectarian. Not only Ekadashis, Vaishnava fasting day for Janmashtami and Rama Navami might be one day later than Smarta fasting day.
The followers of Vaishnavism give preference to Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra. The followers of Vaishnavism never observe Janmashtami on Saptami Tithi. Janmashtami day according to Vaishnava rules always fall on Ashtami or Navami Tithi on Hindu calendar.
However rules followed by Smartism to decide Janmashtami day are more complex. The preference is given to Nishita or Hindu midnight. The preference is given to the day, either Saptami Tithi or Ashtami Tithi, when Ashtami Tithi prevails during Nishita and further rules are added to include Rohini Nakshatra. The final consideration is given to the day which has the most auspicious combination of Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra during Nishita time. Janmashtami day according to Smarta rules always fall on Saptami or Ashtami Tithi on Hindu calendar.
This page list Janmashtami according to Smarta Sampradaya and make a footer note if it doesn't coincide with Janmashtami day observed by the ISKCON.
Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti and Sree Jayanthi.

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