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Like all great teachers of ancient times ,Gautama ,the Buddha ,also taught orally ,usually in the form of sermons or dialogues.The pali cannon (also called Tripitaka) was composed long after his death and is regarded the authentic teachings of the Buddha as reported by his most ardent disciples.Buddha was more concerned about the alleviation of suffering and less about abstruse philosophical matters.His analysis of the problem of suffering and his solution is described herewith and is popularly called the Four Noble Truths.

His four Noble Truths(Chatvari Arya Satyani)

  • 1.The world is full of sorrows(Dukhha).
  • 2.The cause of sorrow is desire (trishna).
  • 3.If desires are conquered,all sorrows can be removed.
  • 4.The only way this can be done is by following the eight-fold path.

Eight-fold Path(Asthangamarga)

  • 1.Right Vision
  • 2.Right Aim
  • 3.Right Speech
  • 4.Right Action
  • 5.Right Effort
  • 6.Right Awareness
  • 7.Right Livelihood
  • 8.Right Medition

According to Buddha ,the one who follows the path,considered the middle path(Madhayama Pratipad) ,would attain salvation irrespective of his social background.The Virtous path suggested by Buddha is a code of practical ethics that has a rational outlook.Buddhism,therefore ,was more of a social than religious revolution.

What is Nirvana?

Nirvana literally means 'blowing out' or extinction of desire (trisha) and the consequent cessation of suffering.It is deliverance from the cycle of birth and death,i.e,freedom from rebirth.

Madhyamika School

Though there are popular schools like Mahayana,Hinayana,Sautarnitika and the Vaibhasika,from the philosophical point of view,the Madhyamika school propounded by Nagarjuna,deserves special mention. Philosophies,as per his analysis ,develop because of man's unquenchable thirst for understanding the unknown.Each philosophy has its own interpretation of reality,and develops theories and concepts to describe their understanding.The philosophers become so attached to their dogmatic views that they cease to understand that philosophies are only interpretations, and not reality itself.Nagarjuna insisted that it is not possible to understand the relativity of all such view points.So,in true sprit Nagarjuna propound any doctorines,theories or views of his own.He even went to the extent of exhorting men to be free from Buddha and his teachings and to not cling to them.Nagarjuna says that all of us are in the state of Nirvana ,and there is no difference between our ordinary existence and Nirvana ,except from the view point of the person.When someone has freed himself of illusions,ignorence,dogmatism, and attachments,the ordinary existence become nirvana.He does not deny the existence of nirvana,but warns men against being attached to the concept of nirvana.It is believed that the clearest expression of Buddha's teachings has come through Nagarjuna.This school is considered to be the source of insipiration for Zen Buddhism.

All schools of Buddhism attach very high importance to meditation.Meditation is the corner stone of buddhist practice and different techniques have evolved over time.It is only through meditation,and inner exploration that one is able to attain Nirvana.

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